Daily Headlines

Daily Headlines September 26, 2024

We scan major news sources* and compile selected articles to keep you up-to-date on current issues affecting California business – the economy, health care, environment, transportation and more. Receive Daily Headlines by Email

Today’s Top Story

SupportCalChamber Supports Prop 36 Measure to Penalize Retail Theft
At its most recent meeting, the California Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors took a support position on Proposition 36, a November ballot measure that would allow felony charges for thefts under $950 with two prior theft convictions and allows felony charges for possessing certain drugs, including fentanyl, with two prior drug convictions.

Top California News

  • Newsom Takes Aim at Big Oil
    It’s crunch time on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s special session: This morning, an Assembly committee will hear — and possibly vote on — his bill that would authorize the California Energy Commission to require oil refineries to keep a minimum stock of fuel as a way to curb gasoline price spikes. CalMatters (No subscription required)

Top National, International News

  • US Economy Grew at a Solid 3% Rate Last Quarter, Government Says in Final Estimate
    The American economy expanded at a healthy 3% annual pace from April through June, boosted by strong consumer spending and business investment, the government said Thursday, leaving its previous estimate unchanged. The Commerce Department reported that the nation’s gross domestic product — the nation’s total output of goods and services — picked up sharply in the second quarter from the tepid 1.6% annual rate in the first three months of the year. The Associated Press (No subscription required)

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